Note: there are many ways that the Greater Seattle FANHS chapter supports the FANHS National office and this online silent auction is one of the ways. Here are 4 ways that YOU can make a difference:

  1. You can donate an item or two (see the link to the online donation form below).
  2. Ask someone you know who has nice items or gift certificates for items or services at their business to donate to this auction. Forward this email to them and ask them to fill out the form.
  3. When the online auction opens, you can bid on items! Bid early and probably someone else will bid on top of your bid. That is helpful!
  4. Tell other people that you know about the silent online auction via email or social media! That is helpful also.

All these actions will help the FANHS National office in Seattle, so decide what you can do this year and please do those things.

For 40 years, FANHS has gathered, documented, preserved, and shared Filipino American history. Our National Office and Archives in Seattle contains hundreds of oral histories, thousands of historic photographs and tens of thousands of files on individuals, organizations and historic issues – all shared with the general public at no cost. There is no paid staff – and day-to-day work is conducted by volunteers.
In 2016 FANHS’ National Museum opened in Stockton. Our 42 chapters collect their regional histories and FANHS has held 16 biannual national conferences in different cities. In 1990 FANHS created Filipino American History Month which is now celebrated nationally by many Filipino groups and honored by different states and cities.

Each year, during Filipino American History Month, FANHS holds an online auction which helps underwrite our work to document the history of Filipinos in America. We hope you can consider donating for this year’s online auction event on October 14 and 15, 2023. We highlight the businesses and individuals who donate to the FANHS auction. We welcome information (including any photo images) that can be included within the online auction catalog.

To donate an item to this important online silent auction, please fill out this form, and contact Gennette Cordova, online auction volunteer, if you have any questions. Upon completion of the online auction event, the donors are requested to send their donated item(s) directly to the bid winner(s). Since FANHS is a 501c3 non-profit organization, the total amount of your donations and shipping costs are tax-deductible.